Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman talks to the media
Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman talks to the media

Army to return to cantonment when policing would begin smoothly: Army chief

Chief of Army Staff General Waker-Uz-Zaman on Monday said the army would return to the cantonment when situation would return to normalcy and the police force would start their work smoothly.

“Very soon the situation will be completely normal. When the police force resumes its activities properly, we will return to the cantonment. Over 90 per cent of the police stations have started operations till the last report. And in Dhaka, more than 85 per cent of the police stations have started their operations. This situation will improve further. The improvement of the law and order situation in the country is encouraging,” he told the media.

The army chief was speaking to the media after visiting the activities of the army at a temporary camp at Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Stadium in Khulna Monday afternoon.

Earlier, he exchanged views with the top government officials of  Khulna division and district.

General Waker-Uz-Zaman said, “A chaotic situation arose in the country. In that situation the army was deployed. The context of 5 August and afterwards is a bit more different. Different types of anarchic situations have arisen then. There was looting and arson in various places. The army has been working in that context. The police force was attacked. The number of police force is 200,000. When such a large police force became ineffective, it became difficult for the army to make it effective. But we have brought this situation under control nicely through our activities. We are giving protection to the police force.”

The army chief further said, “The improvement in the law and order situation in Khulna division is highly encouraging. This is quite normal. The crimes that are committed in normal times are also not happening now. But there is no reason to be complacent about it. We have to do better. Police should be more organised. Very soon the situation will become normal further. We are working on it. Now the situation is improving. Everything will be back to normal soon. Then the police, RAB, BGB and other regular forces will conduct their operations.”

Speaking about the attacks on minority communities, the army chief said nearly 30 incidents of crimes involving the minority community in 20 districts have taken place so far. Most of them were about looting and setting temples on fire, most of them are involved with politics.

Requesting the political parties not to get involved in any destructive activities, the army chief called on the political parties to continue their work.

“Let them continue their activities. But they should not do any kind of destructive work. They will understand what the people demand now. If the people remain insecure, if there is any unrest, I am sure they don’t do that politics. It will not be the politics of any country. If everyone cooperates with us, we will definitely be able to bring the law and order situation in the country back to normal. This country will be a safe place for people of all religions. Everyone should work together for that goal,” he added.

In response to a question from a journalist, the army chief at that time said, “Eighty per cent of the reports of the robbery incident are panic, and 20 per cent are true. This fighting between people is slowly decreasing. Even in the past when there was politics, there were some political clashes, which is not desirable. We all will bring it back to normal. There will be politics, there must be. People will speak up, there will be meetings and processions. But it should not go to destructive levels, we don’t want any destructive activity. It is never a good thing for the country and nation.”