Zahidul Karim
Zahidul Karim

JU teacher resigns in protest of attacks on students

A teacher of Jahangirnagar University has resigned in protest of attacks on students by the law enforcing agencies and the Chhatra League, the student wing of ruling Awami League.

He sent his resignation letter to vice-chancellor Nurul Alam via e-mail on Thursday.

The teacher, Zahidul Karim, is an associate professor of the Management Studies Department of the university.

He has confirmed the matter to Prothom Alo.

Zahidul Karim in the resignation letter, said, "I am deeply hurt by the government of Bangladesh’s indifference and the biased attitude of teachers towards the recent violence and anarchy across the country."

"I have always talked in favour of truth and justice, and stand by the students for realising their logical demand," he added.

The JU teacher said many ordinary students have lost their valuable lives due to the aggressive attitude of the government towards the movement of logical rights of the students for quota reform.

Zahidul Karim pointed out that the government could have accepted the logical demand of the students and so many lives would not have to be lost.

He also said the families of the students, who have been killed, had many dreams and now they are devastated by the deaths of their children.

Zahidul Karim has been hurt due to the silence of the university administration and teachers seeing so many casualties.

He has resigned from Jahangirnagar University in a bid to awaken values and morals of Bangladesh teachers' community.

When contacted over phone to take comment on the matter from VC Md Nurul Alam, he didn't respond. He, however, confirmed the resignation of the teacher to a journalist.