JU student assaults security staff for stopping his car

A student of the weekend programme at the Jahangirnagar University has reportedly thrashed and abused a security guard on the campus for not letting him enter the campus with his car as per an administrative instruction on Friday to not allow any vehicles inside the campus, reports UNB.

The security guard alleged that the incident happened as he tried to stop marketing department student Deepta Debnath from blocking the main gate after not letting him enter the campus with his car.

Deepta Debnath told the security guard on duty at the time that, “I pay money for my education. Then why not let me enter campus with the car?"

According to security office sources, the guards are instructed by the administration to not allow the students to enter the campus with their own cars.

In this regard, the security personnel said, “We had an instruction from the administration to not allow vehicles inside the campus on Friday. At one point of the heated argument, they got furious over the incident and started abusing and beating me," he said.

Admitting the complaint, Deepta Debnath said, "I wanted to know the reason behind not allowing me to enter the campus with my car. At one point, our argument turned into a fight. I was beaten up by the guards too.”

Chairman of the marketing department Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin said, "We reached a mutual agreement between the student and victim security guard. If he files a written complaint then we will take steps according to the university's student’s act."

Sudipta Shaheen, chief security officer of the university, said that the guard was wronged.