BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam

Verify before filing random cases: Fakhrul tells law enforcers

BNP secretary general Mirza Fahrul Islam Alamgir has made a call to stop filing random cases against the people who were recently deposed from power.

He also called upon the law enforcing agencies to carry out a primary investigation before recording any case.

The BNP leader made the remark while speaking at a press briefing at the BNP chairperson’s office in Gulshan on Wednesday.

The BNP secretary general said, "Not only the party, random cases are being filed against all people. Cases are being filed due to enmity. I will request the law enforcement agencies to verify which is possible which is not before recording any case."

Citing an example, Mirza Fakhrul said it is noted that an incident took place in Khagrachhari, cases are being filed against the leaders (Awami League) across the country. This should be stopped, he added.

Calling upon the party leaders and activists, the BNP leader said, "Don't file any case which does not have any merit and it is not proper to implicate central leaders in all cases. Cases should be filed against those who are involved in the incident. Even cases are being filed against the deputy commissioners. This is not fair."

Pointing out that the random cases will not consolidate the revolution, Fakhrul said, "We are passing through a transition. During this period, we have to cooperate with this government as much as possible to restore stability."