LPG cylinder
LPG cylinder

LPG price falls again

The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) has lowered the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by Tk 30 per 12-kg cylinder at the retail level.

The government agency had lowered the price twice in the last two months too. The price of LPG gas was reduced by Tk 49 last month.

The new rate of LPG gas will be in effect from 6:00 pm Monday. The price of 12-kg cylinders of LPG has been fixed at Tk 1,363 for the month of June, which was Tk 1,393 in April. The 12-kg cylinders of LPG are mainly used in households.

The new LPG price was announced in a press conference at the BERC office in Dhaka today, Monday. The agency adjusts LPG prices every month.

The BERC has been adjusting the LPG prices every month since 2021. Propane and butane, two key ingredients of LPG, are imported from different countries.

Saudi Arabian company Aramco publishes the prices of these two components of LPG every month. This is known as Saudi Cargo Price (CP). BERC adjusts LPG prices in the country based on this Saudi CP base price.

As per the new BERC rate, the price of LPG from private companies has been fixed at Tk 113.55 per kg including VAT (value added tax), which was Tk 116.8 last month.

Meanwhile, the price of LPG provided by the government companies has not been changed from the previous price of Tk 690. Besides, the price of LPG (auto gas) used in cars has dropped to Tk 62.53 from Tk 63.92.