Guardian Life Insurance Limited has recently signed a strategic partnership agreement with BRAC Healthcare to address this problem and make the process of buying insurance policies and related services easier
Guardian Life Insurance Limited has recently signed a strategic partnership agreement with BRAC Healthcare to address this problem and make the process of buying insurance policies and related services easier

Guardian Life Insurance Ltd inks agreement with BRAC Healthcare

In recent times, many people in the country lack insurance coverage due to the current generation's reluctance to save for the future. Despite such grim realities, many people of the country are still out of the coverage of insurance services.

Guardian Life Insurance Limited has recently signed a strategic partnership agreement with BRAC Healthcare to address this problem and make the process of buying insurance policies and related services easier.

The partnership has been made keeping in mind the growing demand for micro health insurance policies in the country. From now onwards, BRAC Healthcare will be able to sell Guardian Life Insurance’s policies and other services through the digital platform to its registered members, making the process of buying insurance more convenient than ever before. Besides, this partnership will play an important role in bringing more people under insurance coverage.

Senior officials of respective organisations were present at the signing ceremony. Sheikh Rakibul Karim, FCA, CEO of Guardian Life Insurance Limited and Taufiqul Hasan Siddiquee, head of BRAC Health Enterprise, signed the agreement on behalf of their organisations.

Officials expressed hope that it will be possible to increase awareness among people about life insurance and expand customer-centric services through this partnership, riding on the expertise and experience of both the organisations.

From Guardian Life Insurance Limited, Fasihul Mostofa, head of digital channel and ADC division; Tanim Bulbul, assistant vice-president; Md Shahriar Mahid, business development manager; while from BRAC healthcare, Md Roknuzzaman, senior manager and head of business development and partnership department, were present at the ceremony with several representatives of both the companies in attendance.

It is mentionable that Guardian Life Insurance Limited is working tirelessly to digitalize insurance services in Bangladesh. Besides, this organization is playing an instrumental role in creating a positive perception about this industry among the masses by settling insurance claims of the customers in due time.