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Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077: Does the game meet its hype?

Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most hyped video game. Although the game was announced a decade ago, the hype never died, it kept growing and became this giant wall that no game developer can ever dream of living up to. The hype for this game would have you believe that it was going to change gaming forever, even before anyone ever picked up the game. The hype was an absolute curse for the final product. No matter what CD project read delivered, it could be the best video game ever made. It was still going to disappoint people who put these incredible, unrealistic expectations on it.

Cyberpunk 2077

But now that the game is finally out, the question is, does it live up to the hype? Has gaming truly transcended? Have we set foot in this new enlightened era for gaming? Bitter yet true, the answer is no. Cyberpunk never stood a chance of reaching those expectations. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean the game is bad. In fact, it's a great game. But there is a lot of problems with it.

Cyberpunk 2077

The performance issues with cyberpunk are absurd. This game is borderline unplayable on PlayStation four and just consoles in general. Considering CD Project made cyberpunk themed collector's edition PS4 an Xbox Ones when it barely gets above 20 fps in either of those consoles. The bugs are outrageous, not just tacky glitches, but actual game breaking bugs where missions will just not work and you have to go reload or even relaunch to try and make the game work. I had to save and reload saves multiple times just attempting to make a single NPC spawn so I could start a side quest. It is a disaster. In terms of its performance, it is the buggiest game at launch. Even with a tank of a pc, there’ve been records of fps drops. It doesn't really run that well, even on like the best settings on the best PC, you're still going to have FPS drops, you're still going to encounter so many glitches. For me a midbudget gamer it was a nightmare.

Aside the game breaking bugs and glitches, the game very immersive. The characters are very well written and very interesting. The universe of Cyberpunk 2077 is not only visually breathtaking and one of the best-looking games I've ever seen in terms of its graphics and its art style and just visuals in general. You play as V, a cybernetically enhanced street hustler returning to Night city to make their name on these squalid, vicious streets, taking about any job even infiltration and assassination jobs for the gangs who’ve carved up the criminal underworld. You happen to get a job to steal a biochip from world leading industrialists Arasaka’s son. Circumstantially you put the biochip in your head and managed to get away but infecting yourself with the digital ghost of dead rocker and anarchist Johnny Silver hand. If you don’t get him out of your brain, you’ll both die.

Cyberpunk 2077

There're just so many things to encounter and just explore in the world. It really does feel alive. The design choices are great. I love the aesthetics of the game. I can't talk enough about how much I enjoyed that. And the cherry on the top, you have great soundtrack. All the songs in this game are bangers. The soundtrack in this game is so good. They did a splendid job in that department as well. The gun play of cyberpunk was very generic. The guns were imaginative and came with some creative upgrades but you don’t really to think that much while choosing guns. You basically just choose whatever gun has the highest damage. Output is just base DPS instead of like, oh, I'm going up against robots, I should look for electrical damage, elementals or anything. The melee weapons are great though, you can build your melee set like a tank and the animation is just too satisfying. Quick hack is an ability given at the beginning of the game. Depending on your in-game hardware upgrade you can hack multiple things which comes in handy in most missions but no so much in combat. Cyberware are upgrades you can put in your character which give bonus abilities like double jump or emp blasts and etc.

CD Project went with the quality over quantity theme. The story was very well written and the main mission takes about 20 hours to finish. The length of the game being a complaint for a lot of people. Eight years for only fifteen, twenty hours, was disappointing. The real deal of the game comes from the side quests in the side jobs. This is where most of your character development going to happen. This is where most of your bonding with the characters is going to happen. And this is also where some things can play into the ending. The map and the playable area of cyberpunk is immense. The map itself is nearly 20% bigger than that of GTA5 and there are 100s of fully modelled and unique interiors of buildings. This is where the games size truly comes to play. It rather than the story its playable area is more of an attraction.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 brings you into its beautiful and mesmerizing dense cityscape with few restrictions. The game gives the player innumerable ways to approach its unique and untamed world to an extent no open world has ever given. The stories so well written gets you lost into its aesthetics just to smack you in the face with these bugs making you hate the developers even more. If cyberpunk was a bad game no one would have been so concerned with these glitches. Its glaring flaws makes it a mere shadow of a game it could have been. CD Project Red is still updating the game as fast as they can while facing Law suits and cyberattacks at the same time. I hope with time it will get better. All said Cyberpunk 2077 is an extraordinary open world RPG even with the bugs and glitches.