When parents model honesty and respect for rules, they set their children on a positive path
When parents model honesty and respect for rules, they set their children on a positive path

Monkey See, Monkey Do: How parents shape children’s future

We have all heard the saying, “monkey see, monkey do.” It rings especially true for children, who are like little sponges soaking up everything around them.

In their early years, kids are keen observers of their parents, absorbing not just words but actions. This formative period is crucial for instilling values, norms, and social behaviors, making it essential for parents to lead by example.

When parents model honesty and respect for rules, they set their children on a positive path. But what happens when parents stray from these ideals?

When they bend the rules or act dishonestly, they inadvertently send a message: it is okay to disregard integrity. This can lead to troubling behaviors in their little ones.

Toddlers are especially sensitive to their surroundings, and the family plays a pivotal role in shaping their understanding of the world. Social learning theory tells us that children learn through imitation, which means parents have a powerful influence on their behavior.

Research backs this up: children who witness consistent rule-breaking are more likely to engage in similar behaviour themselves. They might cheat in games, lie about their homework, or act dishonestly, convinced that the ends justify the means

Imagine this scenario: a parent is on the phone, telling their boss they cannot come to work because they’re sick, while in front of their child. This kind of dishonesty teaches the child that it is acceptable to lie when it’s convenient.

Similarly, if a parent decides to ignore a traffic light because “everyone else is doing it,” a toddler witnessing this might start to think that rules are merely suggestions that can be bent.

Frequent rule-breaking, whether it’s small things like ignoring traffic signals or telling fibs, can lead children to believe that rules are arbitrary and can be easily dismissed.

For instance, if a child watches their parents haggle aggressively at a local market, treating vendors disrespectfully, they may internalize the notion that such behaviour is justified in getting what they want.

Research backs this up: children who witness consistent rule-breaking are more likely to engage in similar behaviours themselves. They might cheat in games, lie about their homework, or act dishonestly, convinced that the ends justify the means.

This can create challenges as they make friendships and academic environments, ultimately affecting their self-esteem and trustworthiness.

Using polite language consistently and encouraging your children to do the same can have a lasting impact. Simple phrases like “please” and “thank you” go a long way, especially when interacting with others, like household help. It fosters gratitude and respect

Respect for elders and good manners are core values in many cultures, including ours. When parents display a lack of respect—like interrupting conversations or using impolite language—it sets a poor example.

A toddler who observes such behaviour may grow up thinking they’re perfectly acceptable, leading to difficulties in social situations where basic etiquette matters.

The implications of neglecting manners can be significant. Children who miss out on learning basic social graces may struggle to form friendships and may find it hard to thrive in cooperative settings like schools. A lack of manners can also lead to negative perceptions from peers and adults, stunting social development.

So, how can parents ensure they’re instilling positive behaviors in their children? One effective approach is to model honesty in tough situations. When faced with a challenge, be transparent. If you can’t attend a family event, explain why honestly. This teaches your child that honesty is always the best policy.

Using polite language consistently and encouraging your children to do the same can have a lasting impact. Simple phrases like “please” and “thank you” go a long way, especially when interacting with others, like household help. It fosters gratitude and respect.

Creating a safe space for your children to discuss their feelings and thoughts is also vital. Engage them in conversations about right and wrong, using relatable stories or lessons from Indian mythology that highlight honesty and integrity.

Finally, when your child displays honesty or good manners, acknowledge and praise their actions. If they share a toy or admit to a mistake, celebrate it. Positive reinforcement helps cement these values in their minds.

Ultimately, the behaviors parents exhibit have a lasting impact on their children, particularly during those critical early years.

By consciously modeling honesty and respect for rules, parents can instill these essential values in their toddlers, paving the way for a generation that appreciates integrity and social etiquette.

At the end of the day, parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs, laughter and challenges. We all want our children to grow up kind, respectful, and honest.

It is the little moments—a shared smile, a hug after a tough day, or the joy of seeing them do the right thing—that remind us of our love and responsibility.

By nurturing honesty and respect in our homes, we’re not just raising good kids; we’re building a foundation of love and trust that will last a lifetime. Let's cherish these moments together, knowing that the effort we put in today shapes the adults they will become tomorrow.