Martyred Intellectuals’ Graveyard on a normal day

The Martyred Intellectuals’ Graveyard in Mirpur, Dhaka, is a graveyard where some of the Birshreshthas (gallant war heroes) and intellectuals killed by the occupying Pakistan army and their collaborators during the liberation war in 1971 are laid to eternal rest. Many other eminent persons of contemporary times are also buried there. There is a wide open space, which is a rarity in Dhaka, by the graveyard. We normally get to see the premises on special occasions, when everything is tidy, spic and span. But how about a normal day? Photos taken by Shameem Reza will provide a glimpse into that.

The main entrance to the graveyard where many of the greatest sons of the land are laid. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023
Children are playing football as school is closed on Friday, the weekly holiday. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023
Even the older people resist taking a kick at the ball after having a morning walk at the park in the graveyard premises. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023
A child rides his bicycle on the premises
An overall view of the main mausoleum of the graveyard premises. The photo is taken on 25 August, 2023.
The main mausoleum at the graveyard premises with steps and four wing-like structures
The main mausoleum on the premises of the graveyard.
A your boy slides down one of the wing-like structures.
A cleaning woman is sweeping away dirt and fallen leaves to keep the premises neat and clean. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
There is a mass grave just a few metres at the right side of the main altar at the graveyard. Clearly the people tasked with cleaning duties are not doing their work properly enough to keep the graveyard premises tidier. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
A few children and youths take training on martial arts just behind the main altar of the graveyard every morning. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
Discarded sheets of cork and other waste float on the water of a pool behind the main altar. The photo was taken on 21 August, 2023.
There are two pools on the graveyard premises. The second pool is in a pitiful condition. Different types of waste are floating in the pool. This photo was taken on 21 August, 2023.
Some people bathe in the dirty water of the pool. This photo was taken on 21 August, 2023.
The place could have been kept tidier
Different people use the place for different purposes. While some use the park for morning walk and light exercises, some people make the best use of space by taking a nap. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
The place is full of different types of trees. The authorities could have placed boards marking names of every tree and shrub. As many schoolchildren go there regularly, this could have helped increase their botanical knowledge. The photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
Some of the people taking rest after morning walk and light exercises while others are loitering at the open space. The photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
The visitors can check their diabetes, blood pressure and weight as some people provide the service at a cost of Tk 30. This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
A number of such banners and posters are hanging inside the graveyard premises. Does this augment the beauty of this sacred place? This photo was taken on 25 August, 2023.
The grave of Birshreshtha Sipahi Hamidur Rahman at the Martyred Intellectuals’ Graveyard.
The grave of Birshreshtha Flight Lieutenant Matiur Rahman at the Martyred Intellectuals’ Graveyard.
The grave of writer Shawkat Osman at the Martyred Intellectuals’ Graveyard.