TOP SHOTS (23 January 2023)

A bee sips nectar from a flower. The picture was taken from Cumilla on 23 January.
The Hindu community will celebrate the Saraswati Puja on 26 January. That’s why artisans are busy giving finishing touches to Saraswati idol. The picture was taken from Rajshahi on 23 January.
Two children play with a makeshift raft made of bottles in Kirtonkhola river. The picture was taken from Polashpur in Barishal city on 23 January.
Farmers plant boro paddy seedlings in the field. The picture was taken from Champoknagar, sadar upazila in Cumilla on 23 January.
Agro workers are busy drying up harvested paddy in silo. The picture was taken from Tebonia in Pabna on 22 January.