A group of students from the University of Montana in the US recently visited Prothom Alo as part of an educational trip
A group of students from the University of Montana in the US recently visited Prothom Alo as part of an educational trip

University of Montana students visit Prothom Alo

A group of students from the University of Montana in the US recently visited Bangladesh as part of an educational trip abroad to learn about journalism and Prothom Alo recently.

Nadia White, Director of the Graduate Program in Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism at University of Montana, came to the Prothom Alo office with 12 students from the College of Arts and Media Department of the university.

A group of students from the University of Montana in the US recently visited Prothom Alo as part of an educational trip

They were received at the Prothom Alo office by Executive Editor Sajjad Sharif - Managing Editor and writer Anisul Hoque. Prothom Alo Head of Content (English Web) Ayesha Kabir, Shawkat Hossain. Head of Online, Azwaj Khan Head of Marketing were present the event.

The students were apprised of the 25 year-journey from of Prothom Alo. The asked various questions about independent journalism, challenges, adversities, etc. They visited the various sections of Prothom Alo including the newsroom.

This trip was part of a study abroad program to explore a specific topic in different countries each year. This year, under the guidance of their faculty member, Nadia White, and 12 students are focusing on Bangladesh. During their visit, they divided between Dhaka and Khulna, engaging with people from diverse backgrounds to understand the on-the-ground effects of climate change.

Nadia White said, "It was so good to come to Prothom Alo! I was impressed by the staff and the focus on excellence and independence of the newspaper. Thanks for making our class visit special. I hope the students were as inspired as I was."