Dreams without borders

Golam Rabby
Golam Rabby

‘Dreams!’That is just a single word, but it has immense strength for certain individuals or groups. ‘Dream’ is a big word where everything starts. It is a word that helps me create new visions, of dreaming without borders.

When I start to write this feature, I am thinking of the headlines, the key indicators, new thinking and so on. But there is also a very interesting twist in this writing.

In my point of view, as a young entrepreneur, when an individual tries to embark on a new venture, he or she must aspire to attain philosophical and psychological perfection. This is vital for an effective start. Four ways of thinking could be a boost to a good start.

1. The endeavour must contain a new philosophy. For example, if we would like to start new venture named Dream Deviser (DD), we continuously would try to incorporate innovative philosophy as well as values. So here the new belief or philosophy of DD is to develop decent or optimistic content to advance society by ‘developing quality with morality’.

2. New thinking must be mentally connected. We could use DD’s slogan ‘developing soul mates in team mates’ for long-term win-win results.

3. The idea must be easy to develop, spread and receive. The DD-Triple-E method can be used to inspire. Here Three-E is Energizing Education with Entertainment.

4. It is neither a replica nor comparable to any other method in world. Yes, it will take time to introduce the new and original concept that will yield results for its originator, consumer and receiver. The endeavour must be psychologically, physically and mentally sound. Psychological connectivity is essential.

So, what is the new metaphysical mantra? Practically speaking, we can say, ‘Be crazy, start, be effective, be different, be punctual or try to motivate as usual.’ This is very popular now-a-days. But, I feel not only at the college or university level, but also within the family and society, we have to transform to a novel era of psychological and mystical harmony. Along with that, we have to inspire dreams with ethical exactness. Then individuals could generate a vision without fear and foolishness. That is identically essential to phenomenal work or drawing up dreams differently and creating something new.

* Golam Rabby is founder, Dream Deviser and can be reached at rabbyirdu@gmail.com