6 signs of heart attack, what should be done right after a heart attack?

A heart attack is a type of medical emergency.Prothom Alo

A heart attack is a type of medical emergency. If not treated or admitted to the hospital on time, it can cause even death. So, it is important to be aware of heart attacks. Everyone should have knowledge of some early signs or warning signs that should prompt to seek medical advice.

1. Chest pain

A recent study found that about 40 per cent of heart attack patients who participated in the study had experienced mild chest pain for a long time and 68 per cent had felt it for a few days before the attack. So, there is no room to take chest pain lightly.

2. Tightness in chest

The same study found that 44 per cent of patients felt tightness in their chest. Patients express tightness in chest in different ways, including a feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest. Many may also feel tightness in chest after heavy work, walking quickly or climbing stairs.

3. Palpitations

Findings of the same study showed that, 42 per cent of patients had experienced palpitations earlier. So, this is also an important warning sign. In this case, the patient feels that the heart is beating very fast. Many also report occasional skipping of heartbeats.

4. Shortness of breath or panting

This too is an important warning sign. Many people say that they feel shortness of breath while doing heavy work, and this should not be taken lightly. For many, this can happen even when they are resting.

5. Heartburn

Many think of gastric problems whenever they hear heartburn and take gastric medicines day after day. Though it’s gastric in most cases, if the medicine does not working, a physician should be consulted.

6. Weakness or fatigue

Weakness or fatigue is an early symptom of many conditions or diseases. Studies have shown that many heart attack patients experience this type of fatigue in the early stages. So this can also be a warning sign.

Additionally, there are some other symptoms or danger signs that should be kept in mind. For example there are dizziness, swollen or heavy legs, nausea, insomnia, and anxiety. However, these are not as common as the first six signs.

So far, it has been noticed that women show more early signs or danger signs compared to men. However, more research is needed to confirm this assumption.

Many patients suffer a heart attack all of a sudden without showing any danger signs. Many fail to identify or ignore these danger signs. Since heart attacks are fatal, these things must be taken into account.

What should be done immediately after a heart attack?

Often there is news of sudden death due to heart attack. However, in most cases, the body shows signals before a heart attack. At first, there is discomfort with slight pain in the chest.

Most of the time, patients feel tightness in the middle of the chest during a heart attack. The pain lasts for a few minutes. Sometimes the pain goes away and then comes back.

They feel an uncomfortable pressure and shiver. Sometimes there is discomfort in the back, neck, jaw and stomach. Then there’s shortness of breath along with discomfort in the chest. The body may become cold with sweating and there might be nausea also.

Major damage can be avoided by identifying the symptoms and taking immediate action. Basically, a heart attack occurs when the heart pumps blood inadequately and irregularly. There can be various reasons behind heart attacks including high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, and stress.

Don’t be scared in case of a sudden heart attack. Cough quickly, loudly and frequently, so that phlegm comes out with the cough. Take a deep breath before coughing each time. Continue coughing and breathing frequently like this - every two minutes. This will help your heart circulate blood regularly.

This will provide a lot of support to the patient before being taken to the hospital. Because, breathing deeply increases oxygen circulation in our body and the pressure created in the chest due to frequent coughing prepares the heart to circulate blood adequately and regularly.

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