NBR launches service centre in support of the e-Return system

NBR’s new e-Return Service Centre was officially opened by Md. Abdur Rahman Khan, FCMA, Chairman of NBR and Michal Krejza, Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh, at NBR Bhaban this morning.

The new Service Centre is dedicated to support taxpayers in the use of the eReturn tax submission system and key part of NBR’s mission to make it easier for taxpayers to submit their tax returns. The Service Centre, which is operated by NBR officials who have been trained in Service centre and e-Return system intricacies, has been funded by the European Union (EU) as part of their Public Financial Management Programme.

NBR Chairman reiterated the need for NBR to move towards a fully digital form of interaction with taxpayers to make NBR services available to taxpayers on a 24/7 basis and assure taxpayers that their tax matters will be dealt with faster and in a standard and uniform manner. He referred to the UN’s e- Government Development Services Index released a few days ago, where Bangladesh had climbed 11 notches to surpass both the South Asian and the global average, giving Bangladesh the highest EGDI value among the LDCs.

He said that although this was a monumental achievement – this was not enough and that NBR would be focusing intently on digital transformation in the coming months, with components like this Service Centre, making up part of this drive. He thanked the EU for continued support to NBR in capacity building and strengthening public finance management that includes development of the e-Return system and also launching of the Service Centre.

Michal Krejza complimented NBR on the very successful roll-out of the e-Return system and the establishment of this Service Centre. He wished NBR all success in the coming tax submission period, stressing its importance for government revenues and reaffirmed EU’s support to the Government of Bangladesh.

Senior officials of NBR at the rank of Member were also present in the event.

The e-Return website (etaxnbr.gov.bd) contains a detailed help facility as well as a user manual and frequently asked questions. For further assistance, the Service centre can be reached on 09 643 71 71 71 on weekdays from 09:00-17:00. A ticketing function is accessible from within the ‘Contact’ section of eReturn system, where taxpayers can report a problem or lodge a query related to the system (https://ticket.etaxnbr.gov.bd/).