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Bangladesh observes World Health Day

Bangladesh observes World Health Day. Photo: UNB

Bangladesh is observing the World Health Day today (Saturday). The theme of the day this year is, ‘Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere’.

This is a global health awareness day observed every year on 7 April under the sponsorship of World Health Organisation (WHO) marking its founding anniversary.

In 1948, the WHO held the first world health assembly. The assembly decided to celebrate 7 April of each year, being effective from 1950, as the World Health Day.

The health and family welfare ministry, directorate general of health services and different non-government organisations are also observing the day.

The day’s programme has been inaugurated at Osmani Memorial Auditorium at 10:30am.

Meanwhile, president Abdul Hamid and prime minister Sheikh Hasina have issued separate messages on the occasion.