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Bank officer accused of sexual harassment and body shaming female colleague

A female employee of a state-owned bank has brought allegations of sexual harassment and body shaming against the deputy general manager (DGM) of a division at the bank.

This incident has occurred at a branch of Rupali Bank in Dhaka. That 40-year-old female officer submitted a written complaint about this to the managing director (MD) of the bank on 30 April. She also submitted a complaint in writing to the chairman of the Bank on 2 May.

She alleged that the senior officer has body shamed her, made indecent comments about her attire, made objectionable gestures and hurled abuse at her in offensive language and addressed her disrespectfully. In this concern, the bank formed an investigation committee on 15 May.

That female bank officer complained that she has been facing such sexual harassment and body shaming since October last year. That female officer was transferred from one branch of the bank to another on 1 April this year. She submitted the written complaint to the authorities after that.

When asked about the complaint, chairman of Rupali Bank Kazi Sanaul Hoq told Prothom Alo, “If the complaint is proven in the departmental investigation action will be taken against the guilty person. Justice will be ensured.”

That woman said that she used to be often body shamed in front of other people for her weight. That officer used to try and get closer to her. One day in mid-November last year, that officer called her to his cabin and tried grabbing her. She dashed out of the room and fainted.

A video footage found from that branch of the bank in question shows that the accused DGM was looking for that female officer about a certain task. The DGM seems to be over 50 years. There were other persons present in the room as well.

At the time the female officer expressing her concerns over the pressure of work said, “Oh my God, how much (work) can I handle!” That DGM said, “A person this fat says she can’t take it! It’s all of your duty to save my reputation.” That woman then said, “If you save our reputation, we’ll also save your reputation.” The DGM then replied, “If you carry one weight, I’ll carry five.”

The female officer filing that complaint told Prothom Alo that after finishing her studies from a public university she had joined a private university as a lecturer in 2007. She joined Rupali Bank later in 2012. After a new DGM joined a branch of the bank in October last year, she repeatedly became victim of sexual harassments.

That woman said she used to be often body shamed in front of other people for her weight. That officer used to try and get closer to her.

I have not done anything immoral. I had made only one mistake by calling her fat. Even in that case I had no ill intentions. I had only said that for motivating her to work. I didn’t realise that the woman was filming that secretly. She has made that video viral throughout the bank.
Accused DGM

One day in mid-November last year, that officer called her to his cabin and tried grabbing her. She dashed out of the room and fainted. In the presence of her colleagues, the physician of the bank came and gave her first aid. Despite complaining about this to another of her superior officer verbally, she didn’t get any solution.

Not even a single one of those accusations made by the female officer is true, that DGM claims. He said, “I have not done anything immoral. I had made only one mistake by calling her fat. Even in that case I had no ill intentions. I had only said that for motivating her to work. I didn’t realise that the woman was filming that secretly. She has made that video viral throughout the bank.”

That woman has brought the allegations against him out of anger, remarked the DGM. He said, “She (the female officer) wouldn’t be present at her desk. When I reacted about it, she became angry at me and brought the sexual harassment accusation. I had told the authorities that it’s impossible for me to work in the same department with that woman. Either you transfer me or transfer that woman. The authorities then transferred that woman. That woman couldn’t accept her transfer.”

The accusing female officer however claimed that she herself requested to be shifted to another department. Not only her, two other women have requested transfer because of that DGM. But, they don’t want to speak up.

The accusing female officer however claimed that she herself requested to be shifted to another department. Not only her, two other women have requested transfer because of that DGM. But, they don’t want to speak up. She also added that the DGM complains at different places about her not working just to present her negatively before the authorities and halt her promotion.

The woman in her compliant letter sought justice under section no. 22 (A), 22 (B) and 23 of the employee code of conduct according to the decision of the Rupali Bank governing body.

According to section no. 22 (A), harassing behaviour in any way including physical or verbal behavour, any display involving indecent indication, threat, unethical demand and vindictiveness is completely prohibited in the bank. Section no, 22 (B) stated that as the employing organisation, the Bank will be committed to create a work environment free from harassment and discrimination against women.

Derogative and indicative comments, physical assault, indecent jokes, unwanted physical relation, assigning various titles, disrespectful comments or innuendoes, humiliating phone calls, sending indecent items or photographs in e-mail, sending distasteful letters or messages etc, regardless of their nature will be considered harassing behavior towards women.

Though nothing’s mentioned clearly about punishments, section no. 23 mentions that sternest steps will be taken against those creating disorder at the work place.

* This report appeared in the online edition of Prothom Alo and has been rewritten in English by Nourin Ahmed Monisha.