CTTC arrest man who 'led’ killing of the police during BNP rally 

Aman Ullah Aman

The Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) Unit has claimed to have arrested the man who 'led' the killing of a policeman on the day of the BNP grand rally in Dhaka. 

This information was provided by the CTTC in a press briefing organised at the media center of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) on Tuesday afternoon. 

The CTTC unit said the arrested person was identified as Aman Ullah Aman. He is the joint general secretary of Central Chhatra Dal and was the member secretary of Dhaka University Chhatra Dal. He was arrested yesterday, Monday afternoon, from the Mohakhali bus terminal area of the capital. 

Policeman Md Amirul Parvez, 32, was killed in an attack on Box Culvert Road area of Fakirapool in the capital on 28 October while performing his duty at the rally. He was a police constable, and his house is in Daulatpur upazila of Manikganj. In this incident, the police filed a murder case at Paltan police station on 29 October. 

During the press conference, Additional Commissioner of Police Asaduzzaman, who heads the CTTC unit, stated that central leaders of the BNP and Chhatra Dal had allegedly ordered brutal attacks on the police with the objective of undermining police morale and creating an unstable environment in the country by targeting one or more policemen. Their intent was to generate a new issue.  

Aman Ullah, along with his followers, is accused of carrying out the killing of constable Amirul on the day of the grand rally, reportedly following the instructions of BNP and Chhatra Dal central leaders. 

Asaduzzaman stated that Aman Ullah and his associates had prior knowledge of the position of the police officers responsible for security during the rally. BNP leaders and activists, who were present in Kakrail on the day of the mass rally, clashed with the police, creating a tense situation.

Seizing this opportunity, Aman Ullah and his accomplices launched an attack on the police near the Victory Hotel, located adjacent to the BNP central office in Nayapaltan. They then moved towards Paltan Tower and split into two groups.  

One section proceeded towards the western end of Box Culvert Road, near the Bijoy Nagar water tank, while the other section, led by Aman Ullah, moved towards the eastern end of Box Culvert Road. Upon reaching the western end of Box Culvert Road, leaders from Chhatra Dal ambushed the police officers on duty there. Simultaneously, police officers from the east end of Box Culvert Road moved towards the west side to respond. Aman Ullah directed the attack on the police team advancing from the east. 

During the course of the attack, police constable Amirul was struck by a brick and fell to the ground. Subsequently, the assailants began to beat him with sticks, causing him to lose consciousness. He lay on the road, unconscious and covered in blood. 

The head of the CTTC unit explained that Amirul's entire body, from his head to his feet, sustained severe injuries during the assault. The attackers ruthlessly continued to beat his lifeless body to ensure his death. After confirming Amirul's death, Aman Ullah and his cohorts left via the western side of Box Culvert Road.