Nation celebrating Independence and National Day

The nation is celebrating the 54th Independence and National Day on Tuesday in a befitting manner.

The day's programmes began with gun salutes early in the morning as a mark of profound respect to the heroic struggle of this nation, which suffered a protracted subjugation under foreign rules from time to time until achieving their coveted independence in 1971, according to the state news agency BSS.

The national flag remains hoisted atop all government, semi-government, autonomous and private buildings with the rises of the sun while all streets and important city intersections were decorated with national and multi-coloured miniature flags and festoons.

Bands of different forces are set to play music at different important points in Dhaka.

Important buildings and establishments as well as city streets and islands were illuminated with colourful lights.

President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave separate messages today on the occasion of the day.

The National Martyrs' Memorial at Savar is the main venue of the day's celebration.

President Mohammad Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina placed wreaths there early in the morning as a mark of profound respect to the memories of the martyrs.

People from all walks of life, including families of Bir Shreshthas, war-wounded freedom fighters, members of the diplomatic corps, leaders of different political parties, social, cultural and professional bodies, also placed wreaths at the national memorial in the morning.

National dailies brought out special supplements while Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television, private radio stations and television channels are airing month-long special programmes on the Liberation War highlighting the significance of the day.

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Bangla Academy, National Museum, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh Shishu Academy and other social and cultural organisations will arrange discussions, cultural programmes and sports competition while painting competition, essay and debate competitions will be organised for children.

Liberation War based documentaries and movies will be screened at cinema halls across the country.

Reception will be accorded to the freedom fighters and the members of martyred freedom fighters at city, district and upazila levels while Bangladesh Post Office will publish commemorative postage stamps.

Special prayers will be offered at all mosques, temples, churches and other places of worship across the country seeking divine blessings for the eternal peace of the departed souls of Father of the Nation, four national leaders, martyrs of the War of Liberation and all other patriotic sons of the soil.

Improved meals will be served to the inmates of hospitals, jails, old homes and orphanage centres to mark the day. The country's all children's parks and museums will remain open for all.

Ships of Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard will be kept open for public at Chittagong, Khulna, Mongla and Payra ports and Dhaka's Sadarghat, Narayanganj's Pagla, Barisal and Chandpur BIWTA dockside from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on the day.

The Bangladesh missions abroad will also celebrate the day through similar programmes.