Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir speaks at a programme before the BNP office in Dhaka on 27 June, 2024.
Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir speaks at a programme before the BNP office in Dhaka on 27 June, 2024.

Suspension of Khaleda Zia’s sentence is a trick: Fakhrul

The secretary general of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, has accused the government of playing a trick on his party chairperson Khaleda Zia through the suspension of her jail sentence.

“This suspension does not mean a reduction in her sentence. It will be reimposed whenever they (government) feels it necessary. It's a different game,” he said while addressing a human chain before the BNP headquarters in the capital’s Naya Paltan area on Thursday. Nari O Shishu Odhikar Forum, a pro-BNP platform, hosted the programme demanding release of Khaleda Zia.

India is called our close ally, but it shoots and kills our citizens along the border. It is unprecedented all over the world.
Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir

The BNP leader alleged that Khaleda Zia has been sentenced in a fabricated case, mainly to eliminate her from politics. She has been confined through 'illegal use of laws' and left to fight death on every passing day.

He underscored the significance of a movement to free Khaleda Zia, saying “Democracy and Khaleda Zia cannot be separated, rather they are synonymous, or the same. If Khaleda Zia is freed, democracy will be freed too, or vice versa.”

Regarding the prime minister’s recent trip to India, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir observed that the country’s existence is now at stake. “None of the deals that are being signed are in favour of Bangladesh.”

Making an earnest request to the government not to betray the nation, he said, “The foreign minister teaches us a lesson, says that we cannot differentiate between an agreement and an understanding. I would make just a single request – Please do not betray the country. Please refrain from signing any deals or negotiations that go against the people.”

The BNP leader said his party's only demand is a free and fair election. They would welcome any party that would emerge victorious through the election.

The BNP leader sought to know what the country’s achievement was from the India trip. “There was no talks on border killings. India is called our close ally, but it shoots and kills our citizens along the border. It is unprecedented all over the world. The government would not succeed to misguide the people by its statements in self-defense.”

He noted that the country plunged into an extreme danger as the government is trying to sell it. “There is no rule of law in the country, while all institutions have been destroyed, the independence of the judiciary has been undermined, the media has been stifled, to achieve the only goal to lengthen their illegally grabbed power.”

Mirza Fakhrul said his party's only demand is a free and fair election. They would welcome any party that would emerge victorious through the election.

Echoing the secretary general's statements, other BNP leaders also voiced their concerns over the current situation in the country. Selima Rahman, a member of the BNP standing committee who presided over the human chain, urged the people to forge a street movement to press the demand for a fair election and fix the prevailing issues.

Another standing committee member, Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, said all agreements with India are against the interest of Bangladesh. He also called for a movement against the current government.

BNP vice chairman Abdul Awal Mintoo alleged that the government has taken control of institutions like the parliament, judiciary, and anti-corruption commission and turned them into instruments of a select few.

He called for the ousting of what he termed an "illegitimate government" to set Khaleda Zia free.