Extrajudicial killings
Extrajudicial killings

Three extrajudicial killings, five abductions by law enforcers in September: MSF

At least three people have been subjected to extrajudicial killing and five have been abducted by the law enforcement agencies in plain clothes last month, says Manabadhikar Shongskriti Foundation (MSF).

The foundation, noted rights advocate Sultana Kamal's latest outfit to protect and promote human rights, expressed deep concern over an increase in human rights violations across the country, reports UNB.

The organisation also strongly condemned the alleged inaction of the government to prevent incidents of human rights violations.

Apart from the killings and abduction, six people have sustained injuries in the month, the foundation said.

In addition to the unethical actions of some members of the police, allegations of their involvement in several crimes including indecent behaviour, torture, extortion and robbery, harassment and rape have been published in the media.

At least two people died in the custody of law enforcement agencies and four people died while trying to escape arrest in September.

The MSF prepared the report based on information published in various media and also collected information by MSF's own source.

During the period between 1 and 30 September, fourteen people died in prison custody.

Due to the lack of proper treatment in the jail, most of the sick prisoners were taken to the medical college hospitals outside the jail and declared dead.

MSF considers that the incidents of death in custody in prisons are alarming and necessary actions need to be taken urgently based on proper investigation.

Around 50 incidents of violence took place in the political arena during the programmes of the opposition parties in different districts. Besides, one incident of post-Union Parishad election violence was also happened in September.

According to the media reports, 50 political violence and post-UP election violence claimed the lives of four people in September.

Besides, 901 people became victims of violence, of which 869 people were injured, 28 people were shot and seriously injured and 29 people were detained.

Violence against women and children such as; rape, gang rape, sexual harassment, suicide and domestic violence especially physical violence have continued alarmingly.

Around 395 incidents of violence against women and children have taken place in the month, which is 139 less than the previous month of August.

Among those incidents, 62 were rape incidents, 19 were organised rapes and four were incidents of murder after rape. Among them, six were specially able women.

Nineteen journalists faced different troubles in the month. Among them, 10 journalists were attacked and injured while doing their professional duties, two journalists were sued, one received a death threat, three were assaulted, and three were threatened in various ways.

MSF believes that attacks on freedom of thought and conscience and the exercise of power on freedom of speech are undermining independent journalism and the free flow of information. This is why the common people are deprived of objective news.