Student Against Discrimination Movement's 'March to Dhaka' today

Students Against Discrimination
Students Against Discrimination

The Student Against Discrimination Movement has changed their programme and they will hold a 'March to Dhaka' today, Monday instead of Tuesday.

They have called upon the protestors from across the country to come to Dhaka.

The platform's coordinator Asif Mahmud in a statement on Sunday made the call.

Asif Mahmud said, "Our march to Dhaka programme has been changed to Monday instead of Tuesday in an emergency decision after reviewing the situation."

He called upon the students and masses across the country to set out for Dhaka today, Sunday.

In the statement, Asif Mahmud said, "The government has killed innumerable students and masses today, Sunday. Time has come to give a final reply. All specially surrounding districts of Dhaka will come to Dhaka. Those who are able set out for Dhaka today, and take positions on Dhaka streets."

Asif Mahmud also said, "Time has come for the students and citizens to display the evidence of final up-surge. Let us all come to Dhaka to become part of history. Come to Dhaka through the means you have. We, students-masses, would bring about the emergence of a new Bangladesh."