A majority of products are exported through the Chattogram port.
A majority of products are exported through the Chattogram port.

Goods worth $3.92b exported in April 

Bangladesh has exported goods worth $3.92 billion in April, according to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). 

The figure is down by 0.99 per cent from the previous year’s corresponding month. Besides, it is lower by 16.78 per cent than the export target set for the month, $4.7 billion. 

The exports totaled at $47.47 billion in the first ten months of the current fiscal, which is up by 3.93 per cent from $45.67 billion in the previous fiscal’s corresponding period. 

Readymade garments, a key export sector, registered an year-on-year rise of 4.97 per cent as its exports amounted to $40.49 billion in the ten-month period, against $38.57 billion in the previous fiscal’s corresponding timeframe.

It, however, still falls short of the export target, $42.97 billion, set for the first ten months of the current fiscal year.