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Heavy rain predicted for next 48 hrs

Light to moderate rain/thundershowers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind is likely at most places over Rajshahi, Dhaka, Khulna, Barishal and Chattogram divisions.

Many places over Rangpur, Mymensingh and Sylhet divisions are predicted to experience moderately heavy to very heavy falls in the next 24 hours till 6:00pm tomorrow (Saturday).

A warning issued in the evening said the rainfall, under the influence of very severe cyclonic storm Bulbul, may occur in the next 48 hours starting from 6:00pm.

Bulbul is currently lying over the Northwest Bay and adjoining West-central Bay.

Met office said it is likely to hit Bangladesh on Saturday evening. The government said it is has taken adequate measures to face Bulbul.

Night and day temperature may fall by 1-3 degree Celsius across the country, according to Met office.

The sun sets in the capital on Saturday at 5:15pm and rises on Sunday at 6:10am.

Country’s highest temperature 32.5 degree Celsius was recorded on Friday in Sylhet and the lowest 17.5 degrees in Tetulia.

Highest and lowest temperature and humidity recorded in some major cities and towns today were:

City/Town Temperature Humidity in Celsius in percentage

Max: Min: Morning Evening

Dhaka 28.9 24.0 88 93

Mymensingh 29.5 21.3 82 88

Chattogram 28.2 25.0 91 87

Sylhet 32.5 20.5 70 72

Rajshahi 28.8 19.8 90 88

Rangpur 30.3 21.5 89 82

Khulna 27.0 23.0 91 98

Barishal 27.2 22.6 85 98

Cox’s Bazar 30.0 25.7 86 83