Towards the blue waters of Lalakhal

The river Sari in Jaintapur, Sylhet is also well known as Lalakhal or Nilnod. There are hills on both banks of the river. It is situated just below Cherrapunji, a popular tourist destination in India. The river actually originated in Cherrapunji mountain and then flows through Bangladesh. A good number of tourists come to visit the river on various occasions including Eid. Prothom Alo's Anis Mahmud captured pictures of Lalakhal on 13 August, on the second day of Eid-ul-Azha.

Photo : Anis Mahmud
Photo : Anis Mahmud

Boats across Lalakhal

Photo : Anis Mahmud
Photo : Anis Mahmud

Tourists in a boat enjoy the beauty of Lalakhal

Photo : Anis Mahmud
Photo : Anis Mahmud

Boats floating on the blue waters of Lalakhal

Photo : Anis Mahmud
Photo : Anis Mahmud

Hills by the river

Photo : Anis Mahmud

The waters of Lalakhal along with the fresh greenery attract the tourists

Photo : Anis Mahmud

Boats could be rented for a ride

Photo : Anis Mahmud

Many love travelling in groups

Photo : Anis Mahmud

Tourists take pictures while visiting Lalakhal

Photo : Anis Mahmud

An empty boat anchored in the calm river