Intermittent desires

Our food habits are harming us in ways we wouldn’t understand until it’s too late
Our food habits are harming us in ways we wouldn’t understand until it’s too late

“Maybe that one tiny slice of the mud cake will make everything better.”
“Oh I haven’t had a cheesecake in such a long time, but I just had kachchi for dinner.”
“Let’s have a pizza night.”

These are some of the thoughts we often find ourselves struggling with.
Uncontrollable, refractory, irresistible. Hence, we indulge. Somehow it seems to be the cure to a bad day or a bad mood or any restless thoughts. But did you know?
Currently, 78 per cent of healthcare expenditures are for the treatment of chronic disease. According to industry analysts, the market size of Bangladesh's food delivery industry is around BDT 30-50 million.

On one hand, the market in the food industry is expected to grow annually by 21.68% (CAGR 2023-2027) and in the healthcare industry, on the other, the revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 27.39% (CAGR 2023-2027). You do the math.

In simple words, our food habit is harming us in ways we wouldn’t understand until it’s too late. Intake of sugar and junk harms us in ways more than one; the more we consume, the more we crave. It’s a vicious loop we need to train our minds to not be trapped in. Okay let me try and explain it to you in your language.

If you continue to eat out or order in more than twice a week, you won’t notice the impact it has on your body until your metabolism drops, no matter how many filters you use your skin stops glowing, you lose stamina and you gain weight along with a lot of other complications over the next few years. It’s got a discreet method of getting in the way of our well-being.

Our food habits, the junk we consume effects our digestive system, our immune system, our organs and even the way we look. People don’t seem to understand one thing; no matter how many beauty products we use, the core of our beauty lies in what we feed ourselves with.  

I didn’t even realise this for 30 years of my life, until I befriended a tall, beautiful 62-year-old lady, Genus, who wakes up at 6:30 in the morning and handles a minimum of 7 toddlers every weekday, till 6 in the evening. And she does it all by herself. During the weekends, I see her clean the lawn and the front yard herself. Twice a week, we go for a walk in the evening and her stamina just makes me want to stab myself. Coming from a life with house-helps, this all-by-yourself lifestyle is a discovery for me. Struggling to get up from the couch, I asked her how she does it all? And the answer was Intermittent Fasting.

Fasting activates autophagy, which helps slow down the aging process and has a positive impact on cell renewal. In 2016, the work on autophagy induced during fasting has been awarded the Nobel Prize. This cures 80 per cent of one’s health issues and works faster than any other diet plans have ever done. Most of the diets are all about what to eat but intermittent is all about when to eat.

There are endless variations to fasting. Such as 12/12 (12 hours of fasting followed by a 12-hour eating window). This is the simplest method as it can mean having the last meal at 7pm and then eating again at 7am the next morning. There is also 14/10 fasting (14 hours fasting followed by a 10-hour eating window). Or even 18/6 or up to 20/4 (20 hours fasting followed by a 4-hour eating window).

I have been planning to start intermittent fasting for a while now but couldn’t muster the courage to do so. Let’s start and let me tell you how I feel exactly after a week, what say? Let’s work together towards a healthy lifestyle.
When you fast, your body produces more human growth hormone (HGH), which can help to preserve muscle mass and promote muscle growth

The first one I know who has tried it, is my cousin and I could vividly see her build and maintain strong core muscles. But living with Genus next door made me realize how badly I want to be fit. She has recently done her regular health checkups and guess what? She’s totally fine with no health issues. Can you imagine yourself that way in your 60s?

When you fast, your body produces more human growth hormone (HGH), which can help to preserve muscle mass and promote muscle growth. This means that incorporating ab workouts into your intermittent fasting routine can not only help you achieve a flatter stomach, but also build and maintain strong core muscles. Some may say ‘how can you work out if you don’t eat?’ without knowing that you can be twice as active if you eat less.

Okay let’s do this together. I am a junkie for sugar and biriyani and a classic Dhaka foodie, just like you are. I’m a typical snacker who must go through the fridge every minute. Foodpanda has been my most used app on the phone and I am quite good at making excuses to binge on sugar.

I have been planning to start intermittent fasting for a while now but couldn’t muster the courage to do so. Let’s start and let me tell you how I feel exactly after a week, what say? Let’s work together towards a healthy lifestyle.