Mongol Shobhajatra Preparations

Mongol Shobhajatra (procession for good wishes) takes out from Dhaka University campus every year on the first day of Bangla New Year. The procession is organised by the university's arts faculty. However, this year the grand procession marking Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla New Year, will be held in limited scale in line with the health guidelines to contain the massive surge of Covid-19 infection. A maximum 100 people can take part in this rally, which is slated to be held as usual schedule on 14 April. Sabina Yesmin has framed the preparations on Monday on the eve of Pahela Baishakh.

A student paints face masks using different colours
The Sun is being painted with yellow in face and orange in physique
Artist tries to cover the face of a large mask with little one.
Students look busy with painting the face masks
Face shield is being painted with different colours.
Bird features have been painted with several colours
They make different types of large masks
A student works wearing face shield and mask simultaneously
The preparation of making face shield ends.
Student works at DU’s arts faculty maintaining health guidelines