40th BCS: 3,657 recommended to non-cadre posts

BPSC building
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The Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) has recommended a total of 3,657 candidates to different non-cadre posts under the 40th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examination. 

The commission published the list on its website on Wednesday evening. The list of recommended candidates can be seen clicking here

According to a source, the commission invited applications against the non-cadre posts through a due process and received more than 6,000 applications.

It made the recommendations after verification if the applicants’ educational background fits their chosen positions.

Earlier, the BPSC had invited online applications from candidates who successfully passed the 40th BCS written and viva examinations but were not recommended for the cadre positions.

Upon completion of the application process, a complexity appeared in the recruitment process in some 156 posts under the local government engineering department (LGED).

The BPSC kept the recommendation process aside and issued a fresh circular inviting applications from the aspiring candidates again within 7 September.

Referring to 8,166 candidates who passed the viva examination, but were not recommended for cadre posts, the circular said those who are interested to be recruited to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade positions have been asked to apply.

However, the commission did not invite applications for the 156 positions under the local government engineering department, abiding by a court directive.