Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury
Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury

Classes on Friday too, if necessary: Minister

Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury has announced that educational institutions will conduct classes on Friday too if it seems necessary to maintain continuity of academic activities. 

Through a posting on Facebook, the minister said, “We now have 185 working days at schools in a year, where 20 days have been kept for the evaluation of the new curriculum. If the working days decline further, classes will take place on Friday too if it seems necessary to continue academic activities.”

Schools, colleges, madrasahs, and vocational institutions reopened Sunday, following a closure due to heat waves. The ministry has already declared to hold classes on Saturday until further notice. 

As per the guidelines, no educational institutions will hold regular assembly until the heat situation returns to normalcy. Besides, academic activities will be limited to indoor classes, excluding outdoor movement that require direct exposure to the sun.