After blocking Shahbagh intersection for four hours demanding quota system reform in government jobs, protesting students announced new programmes on Thursday evening.
After blocking Shahbagh intersection for four hours demanding quota system reform in government jobs, protesting students announced new programmes on Thursday evening.

Movement to continue until act passed in parliament, demo Friday

The students have declared that they will continue movement until an act is passed in the parliament, reforming quota in government jobs.

After blocking Shahbagh intersection for four hours since 5:00pm, they made the announcement.

As the next course of movement, they have declared that they would hold demonstrations at all educational institutions on Friday.

Just before ending the blockade at Shahbagh intersection at around 9:00pm, one of the coordinators of the movement, Nahid Islam, declared programmes for tomorrow.

He said the police carried out attacks at different places on the protesting students demanding quota reform. Alongside demanding quota reform, they will organise demonstrations and rallies on all the campuses protesting the attacks by police.

Nahid Islam said the movement cannot be stopped by carrying out attacks and issuing threats. 

He said the quota issue has to be solved through reasonable reforms by calling an emergency parliament session.

Allocating a 5 per cent quota for the backward section in all government jobs, recruitment in all posts has to be made on the basis of merit, Nahid Islam added.

He said if the movement is obstructed anywhere, that would be faced unitedly.

Nahid said the government is liable for the sufferings of the people due the movement of the students.

He said if the government had reformed the quota logically, they would not have needed to take to streets.

Their movement has public support, claimed Nahid.