Jahangirnagar University students protest against extra judicial killing on university campus at 2:00 am early on 19 September 2024.
Jahangirnagar University students protest against extra judicial killing on university campus at 2:00 am early on 19 September 2024.

Midnight protest against killing of former Chhatra League leader at JU

Calling it ‘extrajudicial killing’, students at Jahangirnagar University (JU) protested against the killing of former student and leader of Chhatra League at the university, Shamim Ahmed alias Shamim Mollah, from being attacked on JU campus. This protest march began from the Bottola area on the university campus around 2:00 am, early on Thursday.

The march travelled various roads on the university campus and then ended going in front the residence of vice-chancellor Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan.

At the time students were seen chanting slogans against mob killing, extrajudicial killing and death on campus. Prapti Taposhi, a student of batch 47 at the economics department of the university said, “A former Chhatra League leader was beaten twice on our campus and died as a result of that. We the students of Jahangirnagar University want to say clearly that we are against any sort of extrajudicial killings.”

‘If anyone has committed a crime, they should be brought to justice according to the state law. But the students of Jahangirnagar University do not support the extrajudicial killing of anyone by beating them to death,” she added.

Earlier on Wednesday afternoon, agitated students beat up Shamim Mollah at a shop adjacent to the Joy Bangla gate of the University. Later he was handed over to the ‘proctorial body’ of the university. At one point, the university administration handed him over to the Ashulia police station members. Later, when he was taken to Gonoshasthaya Samaj Vittik Medical College Hospital at Savar around 9:15 pm in the night, the physician on duty declared him dead.