US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter Haas at the opining of Cinnabon.
US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter Haas at the opining of Cinnabon.

US Ambassador celebrates Cinnabon’s Arrival in Bangladesh with Bun-Buying Bonanza!

US Embassy Dhaka, alongside a delegation of esteemed guests, raised a cinnamon bun in a delectable display of cross-cultural culinary commerce!, stated a press release.

Nestled within the vibrant heart of Banani across from the Sheraton Hotel, the tantalising scent of freshly baked buns wafted through the air, beckoning curious onlookers and seasoned dessert enthusiasts alike.

With a playful nod to the ambassador’s penchant for diplomatic finesse, the ribbon-cutting ceremony unfolded amidst a chorus of cinnamon-infused excitement.

“Ambassadors often find themselves in sticky situations, but this is one I welcome joining in!” remarked ambassador Peter Haas, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he ordered lots of iconic swirls of Cinnabon's signature treats.

The ambassador’s presence at the launch underscored more than just a culinary affair -- it marked a significant stride in strengthening bilateral ties between the United States and Bangladesh.

"Cinnabon’s expansion into this market not only tantalises taste buds but also bolsters our trade and investment relationship," he remarked, his smile as warm as the gooey centers of the freshly baked buns.

US ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Haas cuts the ribbon at the opining of Cinabon in Dhaka.

Among the distinguished guests were foreign commercial service officer, John Fay and public diplomacy counselor of the US Embassy, Stephen Ibelli, who echoed sentiments of excitement for the growing presence of American franchises in Bangladesh.

“Cinnabon joins a growing number of American franchises interested in operating in Bangladesh,” noted Fay, emphasising the role of American business interested in investing in Bangladesh fostering cultural exchange and economic cooperation.

With a wink and a nod to the future, the ambassador sealed the day’s celebrations with a promise of more delectable delights to come.

“I look forward to seeing other famous American brands bring new options to Bangladesh diners and investing in the market,” he declared, his words resonating with the promise of sweet success and savory partnerships on the horizon.

As the aroma of cinnamon lingered in the air, Nilufa Heights on Kemal Ataturk Avenue stood as a beacon of gastronomic delight, inviting all who passed by to embark on a journey of indulgence and camaraderie, one irresistible bite at a time.