Animal deaths at safari park

Inquiry committee of experts should be formed

The death of 11 zebras, a tiger and a lion at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park in Sreepur, Gazipur in a short span of time is both unusual and unprecedented. A statement signed by the senior information officer of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change announcing the death of the animals gave a preliminary explanation but did not clarify the matter.

Eleven zebras died at the park in January. The anthrax virus was found in the body of a tiger that died the same month. The last lion to die in a safari park was on 25 September last year. Officials said there were 10 more lions in the park. Now, after the death of the lioness, there are only 9 left.

The people in charge of the park are also concealing information about the condition of the animals in the safari park. The death of the tiger was kept secret for a long time. In January, 11 zebras died in the park in several phases. The anthrax virus was found in the body of the tiger that died the same month. The project director of the park, Zahidul Kabir, Officer-in-Charge Tabibur Rahman and Wildlife Medical Officer Hatem Zulkarnain have been removed from their duties due to the deaths of animal.

First of all, why did so many animals die in such a short time? Did any virus infect these animals? Were the doctors on duty there sincere enough to treat the infected animals? If the animals have died due to someone's negligence, they have to be brought under the law. Removal from their duties is not a solution. And if they are not guilty of negligence, then decision to remove them from their duties will also come into question.

The deaths of so many animals in the safari park should not be taken lightly. Our zoos and safari parks have been neglected for many years. First, these places do not have the required workforce. There are also questions about the qualifications of many of those who are currently employed.

As in other places of administration, if the appointments are made on the basis of political and party affiliation, the persons concerned will be indifferent about their responsibilities, which is normal. The situation in the safari park is so critical that local MP Iqbal Hossain has also expressed anger and called for legal action against those responsible.

But before taking such action, the exact cause of death of animals must be identified. It does not seem likely that the inquiry committee set up by the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Climate Change led by a bureaucrat, will find the truth. There needs to be a committee of experts, including university professors. It the inquiry is conducted by the officers or bureaucrats of the same department, they will want to protect the park officials.

Second, it is important to consider how appropriate it is to keep the safari park open to visitors, even after so many animals have died. coronavirus is still on the rise. In that case, the safari park should be closed for a while. The incident should be properly investigated and those responsible should be identified. After that, in the light of the recommendation of the inquiry committee, it will be decided whether the park will be open or closed. We can't kill so many animals in the name of a safari park. Animal deaths have not only happened at Bangabandhu Safari Park, but also at Rangpur Zoo. Therefore, the authorities take things casually.