Ali Riaz
Ali Riaz

Awami League must take responsibility

Not one of the three incidents is simply an individual or personal matter. After the 2014 elections in particular various institutions have been destroyed and corruption has spread. The abuse of power has reached such an extent that no one bothers about anyone else. From the current incidents, it is clear that there are many other such incidents too. The responsibility for such incidents certainly belongs to the government and the ruling Awami League.

The three men under discussion had all received patronage from the government, so who will take responsibility if the government doesn’t?  

After all, the allegations against General Aziz Ahmed concern matters carried out when he was the army chief. The immense wealth of former inspector general of police Benazir Ahmed didn’t suddenly appear out of nowhere after his retirement. They were able to undertake such crime and corruption because they were in power.

Meanwhile, there had been an Interpol red alert notice against the member of parliament Anwarul Azim who was recently murdered. Despite that, he was aided and abetted in his misdeeds. He was nominated by Awami League repeatedly and placed in parliament.

They resorted to all sorts of crime and corruption while in power. They were installed in such offices that nothing could be uttered against them. This indicates how there is no scope to speak out against anyone in power in the country. However, an international media outlet did air a documentary about various allegations of corruption against General Aziz when he was in office. It is impossible to speak against these people in high positions of power, let alone bring them to trial.

From the recent incidents that have come to light, the people realise how far things have rolled. These incidents cannot be viewed as unrelated isolated incidents. The three men under discussion had all received patronage from the government, so who will take responsibility if the government doesn’t?  

* Ali Riaz is a distinguished professor of the Department of Politics and Government at the Illinois State University in the US