ISD organised an extraordinary event to foster a sense of unity and strengthen connections between the school, students, and members of the community.
ISD organised an extraordinary event to foster a sense of unity and strengthen connections between the school, students, and members of the community.

ISD hosts fair to promote community belongingness

International School Dhaka (ISD) organised an extraordinary event to foster a sense of unity and strengthen connections between the school, students, and members of the community, stated a press release.

The ‘ISD Fair’ that took place on the campus this Friday, brought together all for a day with engaging activities, entertaining games, delectable food, circus shows, a puppet show and other performances.

Jon Kabir, vocalist and guitarist of popular band Indalo, left the audience swooning over in awe at the ISD Fair.

The participants set up around 60 stalls to showcase and sell local crafts, art works, clothing brands, books and confectionery items.

Jon Kabir, vocalist and guitarist of popular band Indalo, left the audience swooning over in awe at the event supported by Bangladesh Finance and Step Media Limited.

Its entertainment partners were Wonderland and Toggi Fun World; and the ice cream partner was Savoy Ice Cream.

ISD organised the fair to demonstrate its commitment to community involvement and encouraging an inclusive learning experience for students.

The fun activities at the event included Ferris Wheel, Puppet Show, Magic Show, Arcade, and VR Games. Stationaries and books stores were there for the bookworms and the kids.