DAG Emran made the remark to please someone: Attorney General

Attorney general AM Amin Uddin

Deputy attorney general Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan has made the remarks on Nobel laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus with a motive, and to please someone, claimed attorney general AM Amin Uddin.

The highest law officer of the state said this while replying to queries of journalists at his office on Tuesday.

Recently, a total of 160 world leaders, including former US President Barack Obama, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, wrote to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, expressing concern for initiating a case against Dr Muhammad Yunus, filed for breach of labour law and graft charges and demanding suspension of the trial. The letter was published on the website of Chicago-based Cision PR Newswire on 28 August.

Signatures of Supreme Court lawyers are being collected protesting the letter signed by reputed citizens of different countries and sent to the Bangladesh prime minister demanding suspension of the trial against Dr Muhammad Yunus.

Earlier on Monday, deputy attorney general Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan told the journalists, “I think Dr Muhammad Yunus is a respected person. His honour is being disregarded and this is judicial harassment.”

Over 107 Nobel laureates, former president of the US, secretary of state and many others issued a statement in favour of Dr Yunus saying that he has recently been targeted by what they believe to be continuous judicial harassment, Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan added.

Claiming that countering the open letter a statement will be issued from the office of attorney general, the state’s law officer said, “A notice has been issued to all the people who work at the office of attorney general to sign the statement. I have decided that I won’t sign the statement.”

Asked, Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan said, “I agree with the statement of over hundred people including former US president Barack Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.”

On Tuesday afternoon, attorney general AM Amin Uddin told newspersons, “I never asked him (Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan) to sign any statement. Nor did I ask any law officer or anyone to sign anything ever. To the best of my knowledge, I can confirm that no statement was issued from our office.”

The attorney general also said Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan was on leave on yesterday, Monday; he was not on duty; he did not come to office but he went to the place where regular briefing is held and gave his remarks.

AM Amin Uddin said, “You journalists look into it, why Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan did it and what was his motive? Whom does he want to please?”

Replying to a query on Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan receiving an instruction in WhatsApp, the attorney general insisted, “Will he not speak to me? Do I have any WhatsApp group? Do I myself run any WhatsApp group? I am telling you, he has a motive. Surely he has done it intentionally; you journalists should look into it.”

Replying to another query on possible action against Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan, AM Amin Uddin said, “I am nobody to take action and I am not the recruitment authority either.”

Asked, AM Amin Uddin said, “Emran Ahmed Bhuiyan did it intentionally. Listen, if anyone at your office tells you that your boss says it, will you not speak to your boss? You will have to verify the truth. Instead, you went to press without verifying it. There is an ulterior motive for sure and he did this for that. Surely he made such remarks to please someone.”