Protesters and police chase each other in Rampura area in Dhaka on Thursday, 18 July 2024.
Protesters and police chase each other in Rampura area in Dhaka on Thursday, 18 July 2024.

Protesters, police clash in capital's Uttara, Mohhamadpur, Badda

There have been incidents of clashes, chase-counter chase between the police and the protesters in several areas including Uttara, Mohammadpur and Badda in the capital today, Friday.

The entire country came to a standstill centring the “complete shutdown” declared by the quota protesters on Thursday. Daylong demonstrations, blockades, chasing and counter-chasing, police attacks, firing and clashes have been reported in 47 districts across the country alongside the capital.

Some 27 people were reported killed in these incidents and at least 1,500 have sustained injuries. The ‘complete shutdown’ programme will continue all over the country even today, Friday, stated one of the coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement Asif Mahmud.

The protesters started taking to the streets in different areas of the capital since the morning. Meanwhile, a huge number of law and order enforcement forces members including police, RAB and BGB have taken position in different points of the city. Besides, many leaders and activists of the ruling party also took to the streets in different areas of the capital wielding sticks and crude weapons.

The protesters gathered on the street running along Rampura Bridge to BRAC University in Merul Badda area this morning. On the other hand a huge number of police and BGB members took position at different points on Rampura Bridge and in the surrounding areas. A clash broke out between the protesters and the police on this road from even before 10:00 am.

The protesters started taking position on different points of the road with brickbats and sticks since morning. The police shot pellets to scatter them. And the protesters also flung brickbats in return.

The road has been blocked by placing logs on the street and broken bits of the road divider. An injured man was seen being taken to the hospital at the time.

Vehicular movement is suspended in the entire area. However ambulances carrying patients are being allowed to move. Police presence has been noticed on the Rampura Bridge. And, BGB members have also been sighted in the area.

Plus, there have been incidents of chase and counter chase between protesters and police on the road leading towards Gulshan 1 from Gudaraghat area adjacent to Badda in the capital. Such was the situation in that area towards 12:00 pm.

Meanwhile, the police started firing sound grenades, tear gas shells and rubber bullets when the protesters took position surrounding the Uttara-East police station in capital’s Uttara around 11:15 am. The protesters later took to the street in front of Uttara Rajlokkhi Centre and BNS Tower around 12:00 pm.

And, there have been reports of chase and counter chase between the protesters and the police at capital’s Mohammadpur Beribadh area in phases since morning. The protesters started thronging there from 8:00 am in the morning.

The police members at the time fired several rounds of rubber bullets and tear gas shells. Several people were reported injured in the clash. And, the police was seen carrying out drives to disband the protesters around 12:15 pm.

Apart from that, there have been rounds of chase, chase-counter and clashes between the police and the protesters in different areas of the capital including Jatrabari, Shanir Akhra and Malibagh. A tense mood has been prevailing in most areas.