What about Benazir's "integrity" award?

There's a lot of "cursory talk" in politics -- just talking for the sake of talking. There are questions whether the replies  being given to journalists by the government's ministers about former inspector general of police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed are just such "cursory" comments.

According to government records, Benazir Ahmed is still one of the top "men of integrity" in the country. When he had been the inspector general of police, the government had bestowed him with an "integrity award" basically for his ethics, integrity and honesty.

Even after credible reports have been published about Benazir Ahmed using his government post and position to carry out all sorts of unbelievable corruption and to misuse his power, the government has not stripped him off his "integrity award". Questions have arisen as to why this has not been done so far.

There can no longer be any debate over the fact that Benazir Ahmed certainly could not qualify to receive such an award, particularly for integrity, while he was in service. But that award still remains in his records

Benazir Ahmed had been inspector general  of police (IGP) from 15 April 2020 to 30 September 2022. Prior to that he had been the commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) and the director general of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).

Incidentally, six and a half months after the US had imposed sanctions on Benazir Ahmed in December 2021 on charges of violating human rights, the government conferred the "integrity award" on him. Benazir Ahmed received this prestigious award for the year 2020-21. The award was presented to him in June 2022.

There can no longer be any debate over the fact that Benazir Ahmed certainly could not qualify to receive such an award, particularly for integrity, while he was in service. But that award still remains in his records. He was given a certificate, a crest and money equal to one month's basic salary as part of the award. He had been selected for the 2020 "integrity award" from among the heads of various offices and agencies under the home ministry's public security division.

It should be clarified what the government actually means by "integrity". According to government documents, integrity generally means behaviourial excellence based on ethics and honesty. It also implies a commitment to the established societal norms and ethics. On an individual level it encompasses dutifulness, honesty and integrity.

The cabinet of the Awami League government in October 2012 approved the "Commitment to Build Sonar Bangla: National Integrity Strategy". The relevant gazette was published in 2017. Since then government officers and employees of integrity have been given this award.

If the government has adopted zero tolerance towards corruption, the government can now deliver a message to all by cancelling his "integrity award".

Just two years since receiving the "integrity" award, Benazir and his family secretly slipped out of the country, under an avalanche of allegations involving limitless corruption and misuse of power. Now that he has left the country, a number of ministers of the government are now questioning his integrity. In fact, they are outright stating that the government will not take liability for his corruption.

Once "everyone's man", now they are questioning, "whose man is Benazir?" Now the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is viewing him with suspicion as a corrupt man. ACC had summoned him for interrogation on 6 June. They summoned his family on 9 June, but their summons were not heeded. He and his family have now sought time for the interrogation. Their appeal for time has been granted.

If the government has adopted zero tolerance towards corruption, the government can now deliver a message to all by cancelling his "integrity award".

Many may say that ACC would never have turned their attention towards Benazir's ill-gotten wealth unless they received a signal from the government. Even if that was true, the government has scope to take more measures against him other than rhetoric and speeches. The government can set precedence by taking action against Benazir.

According to expert on public service rules and former additional secretary Mohammad Firoz Miah, if any officer or employee of the republic is bestowed with any award or recognition, the government can withdraw that award even after that officer or employee goes on retirement.

Speaking to Prothom Alo, former additional secretary Mohammad Firoz Miah said, after any authority of the government gives anyone an award or recognition, they can withdraw this award or recognition if they feel that this was not appropriate. The concerned authority will first make due inquiry into the matter. If the allegations of dishonesty or corruption are proven during the inquiry, then the concerned government authority can withdraw the award.

The question now is whether, according to the government's declared stand against corruption, measures will be taken to strip Benazir off his "integrity award".

* Imam Hossain Syeed is deputy head of reporting, Prothom Alo

* This analysis appeared in the online edition of Prothom Alo and has been rewritten for the English edition by Ayesha Kabir