My followers have increased even more after getting married: Farin

Tasnia Farin shared the news of her marriage on Monday. The actress had travelled to the Maldives with her husband Shaikh Rezwan Rafid for their honeymoon. Upon returning from there, she took a flight to Australia for shooting right on Thursday night. She talked to Prothom Alo on different topics including her marriage and upcoming projects on Thursday afternoon.
Courtesy of the actress

When did you return home?

On Wednesday evening. We went to the Maldives on 13 August and stayed there for only four days. The island we visited was 40 minutes away on speedboat from Male.

We stayed in a private resort and had a beautiful time there. We wished to extend our stay even longer but I have my shooting schedule to cope up with. Plus, Rafid also has a rush to return back to the UK as he’ll be starting a new job next month.

Overall, we had only a little bit time for our honeymoon. Yet, it’s good that I had the chance to dive back into the work pressure in a refreshed mood.


You have begun a new chapter of your life. Have you noticed any changes in yourself?

I don’t feel any difference. I’m still at my parents’ house, after getting married. Besides, I feel like I’m forgetting everything because of the work pressure. I couldn’t even enjoy the wedding properly because of the pressure (laughing). I did shooting for a web film till the 10th.

Then I somehow managed time to get married on the 11th.  On the 12th I did the dubbing for a film and went on honeymoon on the 13th. Right now, I am talking to you sitting in the car while moving towards the studio for dubbing.

After finishing the dubbing, I’m flying for Australia tonight (Thursday). That’s why I am still unable to comprehend the post-marriage situation. It feels like my life’s running in the same way it did before.


Australia, why?

I’ll be shooting for two web films of Shihab Shaeen there. These two web films had already been prescheduled. Shihab Shaeen is already there. I am travelling now, cutting my honeymoon short. We’ll be shooting for the rest of this month and return home after that.


You had the wedding in a close ceremony. Do you have any plans for a grand event later?

We do have plans, but nothing’s certain at the moment. We might not even arrange another event later. Because, you wouldn’t believe the amount of work pressure I’m dealing with. I’m supposed to start shooting for another web film once I return from Australia.

All my schedules are booked till November. Besides, Rafid’s going back to London on 22 August. He’s starting a new job and it might not be possible for him to manage leave very soon.


Some celebrities fear their followers will reduce after marriage. Do you have that fear as well?

I never had this fear. Why do I have to think of my fans for taking any decision concerning my own life? Fans love my performance on the screen and I also love them.

And what sort of fans they are, if they don’t show their support for a pleasant and blessed decision of their favourite star! After sharing the wedding news and photos on Facebook, Instagram, I was impressed with the response I received from everyone.