No selfie will be able to save them: Mirza Fakhrul

BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir at an event commemorating former finance minister M Saifur Rahman at Dhaka Reporters Unity, 10 September.
Tanvir Ahammed

BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has advised Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader to hang the selfie of prime minister Sheikh Hasina taken with US president Joe Biden, around his neck.

He said, "Do you know where the misfortunate of this country lies? We do not deal with the basics, we deal with issues like selfies!"

Mirza Fakhrul was speaking Sunday afternoon at an event at Dhaka Reporters Unity, commemorating the 14th death anniversary of the late finance minister M Saifur Rahman. The event was organised by the M Saifur Rahman Smriti Parishad.

Mirza Fakhrul Islam said, "Obaidul Quader reportedly said that, now what will Fakhrul say? I say, take my advice. Frame the picture (the selfie taken by Joe Biden) and hang it around your neck. That will help you a lot. Use it to try and convince the people that Biden is now on your side."

The BNP secretary general said, "Just a few days ago what did your prime minister say? She said that America was asking to take over our Saint Martin's Island. She said that America wanted to remove her from power because she wasn't giving them Saint Martin's Island. So what should we assume now, that you have given away Saint Martin's Island?"

Mirza Fakhrul also said, "She (the prime minister) said another thing recently. She said America wanted to set up a base in the Asia-Pacific region and wanted to solely dominate the entire region, will take over the countries, attack them, that is how she had spoken."

Referring to the selfie, the BNP secretary general said, "This hasn't served to lift the sanctions from RAB. It hasn't changed the visa policy. Bangladesh hasn't been invited to any new Democracy Convention. So think before you talk. You talk, but you don't think before you talk."

Mirza Fakhrul said, "You all are so bankrupt, so empty, that you all are making such a big deal over a selfie, as if you have attained victory. It is Bangladesh's people who will determine victory through their votes. Ensure that the election is held properly. If not, no Biden will be able to save you. No selfie will be able to save you."

The BNP leader said, "Biden or America are powers in favour of democracy and they have clearly said they want free, fair and neutral elections in Bangladesh. They have said they want to see a good election here with the inclusion of all parties, an election credible to all. It is not just America who says so, the entire democratic world is saying so too."

Claiming that all the political parties of the country are united, Mirza Fakhrul said, "They are calling for the parliament to be dissolved, hand over power to a neutral non-partisan government. Give their people their power."

BNP's organising secretary Dr Sakhawat Hossain, Ruhul Quddus Talukdar and others also addressed the event chaired by M Saifur Rahman's son Naser Rahman.